
I'm Dane.... pleased to meet you!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

My Marketing Department

Can we discuss, momentarily, how happy I am that it's basketball season again? Sure I am a fan of basketball and love to watch the game, but if I was forced to choose between it or Football... well I would choose football every time.

No, I love basketball season for the unbelievable, incredible, heart-wrenching "Amazing Happens Here" ad campaign.

I love those ads. I'm partial to football season as well because it is then that Nike kills your transmission with their "Leave Nothing" campaign. I mean honestly the ad with LT and Polomalu..... RIDICULOUS.

I suppose that could be the end of my praise for the advertising world, but I'm actually going somewhere with this.... Where is that? Baseball.

Where in the profanity are the killer baseball commercials?!?! Seriously! It's, more or less, America's past-time, it is an awesome sport and just so happens to be my favorite sport of all time.

But the only thing they throw their loving and adoring fans are some cheese-ball, lame-A, "There's Only One October" campaign! I'm a man among men and you're going to throw me poetry, baseball? Wow. That hurts I'm not going to lie.

You bring me the guy that says, "MMM, I'm going to grab an nice, ice cold, Michelob Ultra/Wine Spritzer/Mike's Hard Cider and watch the game. Oh! Oh! I love this commercial." And I will show you his wife's trophy case. (if you don't get that, it's a reference to his testicular fortitude and a challenge to his manhood).

I am a man! I want to see triumph! I want to declare "VICTORY" from the mountain tops! I want heads rolling! I want Braveheart battle sequences! I want to see LeDanian Tomlinson get knocked back to 3rd grade and then get back up in celebratory fashion, pat his enemy and tackler Troy Polomalu on the back and beg for more!

I want the "Leave Nothing" ads!

But no, baseball is going to throw me washed up has-beens and bad poetry.

Real cool baseball, real cool. No wonder you're being deported.