
I'm Dane.... pleased to meet you!

Friday, June 27, 2008

Allow me to re-introduce myself...

Wow, for as much time as I spend on-line, it is long over due that I have my own blog. I would have assumed that, with my love for writing, someone would have showed me, something this magnificent, a long time ago.

It's okay though. I'm over it. I don't hold grudges.

I think setting up this blog was more fun than actually managing it and posting on it will be. Seriously, though! The random question generator? Are you serious!? I want one of those on my iPhone! Best thing EVER!

"You're going to the moon! What did you forget to pack?"

This one was my favorite. I mean, honestly, if you are going to the moon, does anyone really need to remind of the fact, in exclamatory fashion?

"Yes, I'm going to the moon! Why are you yelling at me!?"

"You've got to make contact with the alien leader. How do you know when the conversation is over?"

Really? I'd assume the conversation would be over when A) I am probed and eaten or B) a pool of warm yellow liquid forms on their floor and they get offended, probe, and eat me.

Honestly, I could waste so much more time, on-line, pretending I am popular, playing with that little game thing.

Well, enough with the small talk.

I am Dane Pierce Whitney, a 22 year old residing in Bellevue, Washington. This will be my story.

The story of a lost little boy, in a brand new town, who screams in fear of spiders, loves Jesus, is action-packed with issues, hides behind humor, lives with his grandparents, cares too much, and never gets the girl.

This will prove to be my "open book," a no-holds-barred attempt at spilling my life for the public to scrutinize. And, my legacy shall be known as, "Dane in Real Life."

I hope you enjoy!

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