
I'm Dane.... pleased to meet you!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

"My Journey"

When a situation gets "hairy" in life, people do crazy things. They take chances, make changes, act impulsively, and try to make their own way out of the mess that only they could have gotten themselves into in the first place.

I turn to the Lord.

I've been in some pretty "hairy" situations in my day, some would even make the 70's jealous. The only reason I got into them in the first place was because I turned away from the Father, and stopped listening to the Holy Spirit. So, it seems within divine reason that, turning back to the Lord to get out of them makes sense.

Without going into details as to why, on Wednesday I started fasting.
I want to hear from God.
I want the direction of the Holy Spirit.
I want the arms of Christ around me and His feet below me.
Establish my steps oh Lord....

I fasted for two and a half days. On Friday, after listening to Jason Michalski's message "Wait For It" for the second time, I got an overwhelming feeling that I could eat again. Sparingly.

Sparingly? Not only I had I already been eating sparingly for the past two and half days, eating only one meal and only after sun-down, but right now I'm on a journey into the wilderness! What am I suppose to do without food?!

Just trust Me.
Just trust Me.
Just trust Me.

Alright Lord.... If it is your will, I will go into the wilderness with no nourishment and limited means of survival to climb a mountain... But I swear if this is some sort of cruel joke....

With a sixty pound pack on my back only a liter of water, one pound of trail mix, some "ginger snap granola" (best thing ever. you must try it. it's at Whole Foods...), Jason's message and Psalm 27:13-14 stuck in my head, one loaf of bread, and coffee grounds I hit the trail.

Something tells me I'm not entirely prepared for anything out-doorsie unless it involves a restaurant with patio seating and a Starbucks across from a public park. But "all things are possible through Christ who strengthens me"....

I went into the woods to have an encounter with God. You know, truly ENCOUNTER God. Away from the city place where there is so much distraction in my daily life. My cell phone is off, my iPod is off... my transportation is walking, and all of my possessions fit on my back.

Righteous... No iPod, no cell phone, no texting, no Facebook, I have to walk...A LOT....


The first thing I see as we're getting under way, is a view, through a clearing through the trees over a pristine lake, to a peak known as "The Cathedral" with a "Jacob's Ladder" exploding over it. (in case you don't know, a "Jacob's Ladder" is where you can actually see "rays" of sunlight in the sky... make sense? Google it or something.)

I'm going to meet God....

As my comrade and I march foreward, (oh yeah, my great friend Brett was with me), it is realized that we are running out of daylight. This is un-nerving. Where we are, we are not at the top of the food chain and there are definitely things that go "bump" in the night.

I think I'm going to wet myself...

"Brett... we need to find a place to camp down for the night."
"Yes we do!"
"Pray that God brings us to an awesome camping spot!"
"Pray that God brings us to the RIGHT spot..."

He did just that.
God was already showing himself to me.

Not only did He give us the RIGHT spot, He gave us an unbelievable spot. In order to get to the area we camped at on Friday night, you had to walk an "almost" trail, cross a stream and search for the flattest ground possible in about twenty square yards of clearing. We were well off the trail and any "organized" camping grounds, we had to build our own fire pit and search for any dry wood possible.

We conjure up a meek fire and enjoy it's warmth. After enjoying a warm cup of hot chocolate and eating some incredible trail mix and granola, it's time for bed.

It's been a great first day.

(stay tuned)

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